Robyn's Chair Caning
16 Moulton st
Laconia, NH 03246
United States
ph: 603-520-4450
I'm a third generation caner, with over 30 years experience, born and raised in the Lakes Region. I learned how to do chair caning from the best, my Mother. Growing up my mother had her own caning business, and as kids my sister and I both learned from a very early age, the dieing art of chair caning. As my mothers business grew, the more we helped, and not always willingly! Now I'm following in her footsteps, my 4 kids and are learning to help me, and still not always willingly! I was able to put myself through college by working with my mother doing chairs and teaching caning classes. I continued teaching and helping mom, till I started up two of my own businesses Perfect Party and Jolly Jumpers.
I started Robyn's Chair Caning about 30 years ago, anyone who owns a business in the Lakes Region knows winters can be very very long. To my surprise Robyn's Chair Caning has taken off. With the other business up and running, I now have more time to devote to the chairs.
I do several types of Caning, Splints, Fiber Rush, Pressed Cane, Shaker Tapes, Hand Caning and Pre-twisted Natural Rush. All work is done on site, nothing is shipped out! As anyone who has ever tried to cane knows that it is very tedious, time consuming, and very hard on your hands! All chairs are done in the order that they arrive. During the off season usually a 2-3 week turn around time if the materials are in stock. I do a lot of work for antique dealers and furniture repairers. My work has gone all over the United States, as far away as Alaska (yes, mom I finally beat your record of Nevada!)
I hope you enjoy the new website!
Robyn Ross
603-520-4450 cell
Please contact me anytime! I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright 2017 Robyn's Chair Caning. All rights reserved.
Robyn's Chair Caning
16 Moulton st
Laconia, NH 03246
United States
ph: 603-520-4450